Hawaii Fourth Safest State in Nation

June 27, 2014

According to a recent report from WalletHub, Hawaii is the fourth-safest state in the nation. That should mean a great deal for anyone considering a move to Maui, or any other island in our beautiful state. Parents in particular can set their minds at ease when moving here from the 46 states that fell below Hawaii’s safety level.

To add to that good news, Hawaii was also ranked the safest for avoiding “climate disasters” resulting in more than a billion in damages. We are also third in the nation for fewest people with no health insurance, and third in home and community safety.

These categories are an important factor in assessing the quality of life to be found in one state versus another. It’s easy to get confused by word of mouth, and that’s why empirical evidence is so much more powerful. People have all kinds of opinions of all kinds of places, but these opinions are subjective based on experience. Statistical data, on the other hand, is designed to be as objective as possible.

There were some other rankings for Hawaii in the report, and they were the ones where we fell somewhere in the middle of the pack. We were 11th in financial security, but 27th in driver safety, 21st in natural disasters, and 22nd in workplace safety. The last three categories could use some improvement, but at least they are about average. Our lowest score was in the category of people spending more money than they make, and for that, we came in last place. Just because others tend to manage their money this way doesn’t mean you will, and for that reason, it’s less worrisome than a low ranking in the other categories would be.

If you do plan to buy a home on Maui, now you can keep in mind that you’re likely to be safer here than in other states, unless you’re not safe from your own spending habits, but that’s in your control. As for coming in 21st for natural disasters, Maui has an extremely low incidence of hurricanes making landfall due to its position in the island chain.

We hope you’ve found this blog informative and helpful to your real estate search and evaluation of Maui. If you need assistance with that process, you’ll find our contact information at the bottom of the page. Mahalo!

RealEstateMauiHawaii.com – By Mark Harbison

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